Friday, December 5, 2008

Does your annual usage of saran wrap determine your worth in the kitchen?

When we moved away from "Costco Country" five years ago I was missing the good saran wrap. On a trip to visit my folks my Mom handed me a two-pack of the good 'ol streth-tite saran wrap in the yellow box. 500 sq ft per roll x 2.

I got to the end of the box the other night while trying to cover the frog eye salad I'd made. Although, I wasn't positive, I had a hunch that this was only the 1st of the 2 boxes. Sure enough, I was up at the other house today and found the 2nd box in the pantry.

Who knew that 500 ft of saran was a 5 year supply?

I'm pretty sure this is only an inidication of how little I cook. Sad.

The funny thing is they now sell this at Sam's Club, but I'm sure I'm still set for another 5 years.


  1. Doesn't it feel good to know you're prepared for a long time to come? Another $10 at Sam's would have you set for 10 more years! Maybe you could make a list of all other potential saran wrap uses....that'd be creative! 25 things you can do with saran wrap!

  2. Saran wrap is one of those things I seem to be out of when I desperately need it and am running late to take food somewhere, etc. Every time I buy more I forget that I wanted to buy the press and seal kind until I get home...but then it seems like a waste to buy more saran wrap when I have 25 feet of the regular kind sitting in my kitchen drawer.

    Sara-I'll be posting pics of cute advent calendars I made with saran wrap, cookies, and curling ribbon on by blog soon.
